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How to Lose Weight Without Going on a Diet

The multitude of diets and weight loss programs that guarantee rapid weight loss can cause confusion among those seeking a safe and healthy method of losing a few extra pounds. Losing weight slowly is most often the best way to permanently keep the pounds off, and can be accomplished through a few lifestyle changes rather than by going on a diet. These are the simple and effective ways to lose weight and keep from putting it back on again.


This method achieves weight loss by reducing calorie consumption through different methods of fasting. The most popular fasting types are alternate day fasting, where practitioners eat normally and fast on alternate days, and time-restricted eating that involves eating only during an eight-hour window period. Another method allows eating on five days of the week and fasting on the other two.

More Protein

Following an eating plan that is high in protein assists in weight loss as protein has higher satiety levels than fats or carbohydrates and staves off hunger for longer periods. Including protein with every meal allows people to have longer breaks between eating as well as regulating the hormones that control the body's feeling of fullness. Higher amounts of protein also decrease the release of the hunger hormone ghrelin and increase the release of the hormones responsible for feelings of satiety.


Water is one of the healthiest liquids that can be consumed and provides multiple health benefits. Drinking water before a meal also reduces the number of calories ingested, as it causes the stomach to feel full. Replacing sugar-rich beverages with water can also save many calories. If you find plain water unpalatable it can be substituted with herbal teas and flavored water for a tastier alternative.

Fresh Produce

Low-calorie fruits and vegetables are the ideal way to fill the stomach and give the body the most nutritious and healthy eating options. Fruits and vegetables produce a feeling of satiety, as they are high in fiber and water, and they can be eaten in large quantities without the risk of high caloric intake. Including a few servings of vegetables with every meal and snacking on fruit will also increase daily vitamin and mineral intake and will assist with weight loss by substituting healthy, low-calorie snacks for high-fat, high-calorie ones.

Reducing Refined Carbohydrates

A diet high in refined carbohydrates can affect the body's metabolism even more negatively than saturated fats. Refined carbohydrates are foods that have been excessively processed and that contain little to no fiber and nutrients. White rice, pasta and bread are all examples of refined carbohydrates. All are available in whole-grain varieties and should be consumed instead of white carbohydrates to reduce weight and support digestion.


Eating a healthy breakfast is an important part of any weight loss plan, as skipping breakfast often results in consuming more calories later in the day to stave off hunger pangs. People who eat breakfast regularly have also been found to have lower body mass indexes than those who omit breakfast, and are also able to perform better at work and throughout the day. A healthy breakfast option could include a whole-grain cereal with a dairy product, topped with fruit or berries.

Good Sleep

A lack of sleep or sleep of poor quality can make it more difficult to lose weight. Insufficient sleep slows the body's conversion of calories into energy, which causes more energy to be stored as fat. It can also cause an increase in cortisol and insulin production, which also increases the storage of fat. Insufficient high-quality sleep also causes the production of higher amounts of ghrelin, a hormone that increases appetite.

Weighing In

People who weigh themselves on a regular basis fare better when it comes to losing weight than those who don't. Although keeping track of progress and weight loss is beneficial to shedding pounds, daily weigh-ins are not. Due to bodily water retention, daily body weight can vary widely. A weekly weighing that occurs at the same time of day, wearing the same type of clothing, will produce the best results and also prevent discouragement.

When it comes to weight loss, the quickest options often lead to rapid future weight gain. A balanced diet that includes at least eight portions of fruit and vegetables a day, whole grains and protein, as well as regular exercise, is the most successful method to lose weight and keep it off.


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